You may have seen him running in New York.
Or you may have seen Him on HGTV.
Or you may have seen him in Newport or Palm Beach.
Or maybe in a Design Magazine.
Or maybe you can see him in Your Living Room…
Most people recognize Paul as “The Smiling Runner” as he can be seen running along Hudson River Park. But what most people don’t know is that if he isn’t running by the river… he is running to an Airport… running to do an HGTV Show… running to speak at a lecture… running to his place in the country… or most likely just running around keeping appointments with all his exciting varied projects and clients!
Paul the Owner and Head Designer for HŌM. Personal Interiors keeps a very active schedule that keeps him running from a Single’s New Apartment… to a Couple’s First Place… or to some client’s second and third homes! This keeps him running up and down the East coast from Charming Connecticut …to Peaceful Palm Beach…to cutting edge Lofts in New York.
Paul and his Team firmly believe that everyone should live in a Unique and beautiful HŌM. “I tell people all the time”, explains Paul, “your home is essentially the only thing you can control… not the weather.. .not the stock market… not your job…. heck not even your own family sometimes!! BUT… when you come home at the end of a day you should be able to open your door and live in the world you need. Everyone is different… and so should your HŌM. We all have different needs- Inspirational, Aspirational, Spiritual, Emotional, or just plain Functional… or more than likely a MIX of them all!!”
Paul and His team at HŌM. take extra steps to make sure every HŌM looks and reflects the style of the People who are going to live there! “We don’t do cookie cutter design!” Paul implores. “Our Portfolio is as vast and different as the people who call us every day! That is what makes us stand out…Our Clients Stand out…not Us!!” The Only thing that frustrates Paul is that People think that Designers are for “other people” or the TV Shows that he appears on. “How Crazy is That!” shrieks Paul. “You go to a Dentist… you go to a Car Mechanic… you go to a Hair Stylist….BUT…when it comes to your Biggest Investment BOTH Economically and Emotionally… people think ‘Oh I”ll just just “wing it” and do it myself’… because people think they can’t afford a Designer… or they don’t need one…. Paul says “How and Why would you think such a thing with such a very important part of your life hanging in
the balance…..your home!”
Paul says, “I know from what I speak… because, unfortunately we get many calls from people ‘after’ they have started to ‘do it themselves’! People spend more time and money making the wrong choices from Color, to Measuring, to Matching, to well you name it. ‘Designers are NOT for the Rich’ Paul yells!… ‘They are for the Smart’! We save more Time and Money for people by making the Right Choice instead of just a Choice…. because we do it Every Day!
We work from Starter Places to People’s Dream Places. HŌM gives the same Attention and Care to all their clients. Paul and his team at HŌM really do believe “There’s no Place like HŌM!”
So, the next time you see Paul running somewhere through New York… you can wonder what New and Interesting HŌM he is off to that day to create.
Or as Paul smiles and says…”Why not make me Run to your HŌM.”!……..
Just Call HŌM!!!

“When you create serenity and
stimulation in one space, you
have created perfection.” – Paul

Designers You Should Know

“Over the top usually means
Over.” – Paul

On HGTV set with Genevieve.

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